Welcome to Unit 1: Overview of the Online Texas Adolescent Literacy Academy (OTALA) Module 1: A Schoolwide Approach to Reading Intervention.
There are two sections in this module:
- Overview of Schoolwide Intervention
- A Three-Tier Approach to Intervention
Each section consists of presentation videos along with related activities to complete. Copies of the video transcripts and module handouts are available by clicking on the links below.
The total time required to complete this module is approximately 15 minutes. The module may be completed at your own pace. You may complete both sections in a single session, or you may log in multiple times as you work through the information and activities.
Section 1: Overview of Schoolwide Intervention
This section gives an overview of the Online Texas Literary Academy (OTALA).
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.
Section 2: A Three-Tier Approach to Intervention
Please click to download and print Handout 1: A Schoolwide Reading Intervention Approach for Middle School prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.