Using the Mathematical Process Standards to Build Depth and Complexity
Amplifying an Instructional Task
How will this process amplify existing instructional tasks and provide multiple connections to mathematics for our students?
Follow the instructions in one of the next three sections to complete the activity for the high school math course of your choice.
Algebra I: Amplifying an Instructional Task
In this activity, you will amplify an Algebra I task.
Watch the three videos below. Complete the Amplifying Instructional Tasks page in your journal by examining the original task, template, and amplified task pages.
After you complete the activity, watch the video below.
Geometry: Amplifying an Instructional Task
In this activity, you will amplify a Geometry task.
Watch the three videos below. Complete the Amplifying Instructional Tasks page in your journal by examining the original task, template, and amplified task pages.
After you complete the activity, watch the video below.
Algebra II: Amplifying an Instructional Task
In this activity, you will amplify an Algebra II task.
Watch the three videos below. Complete the Amplifying Instructional Tasks page in your journal by examining the original task, template, and amplified task pages.
After you complete the activity, watch the video below.
Amplified Task Summary
It is important that students have opportunities throughout the course to complete tasks that require the integration of the mathematical process standards and the student expectations. Our next lesson will cover how student learning progresses through the grade levels.