Using the Focal Points to Build Depth and Complexity

Using the Focal Points to Amplify Instructional Tasks (Grade Bands)

Consider a process to amplify instructional tasks. Look at the Amplifying Instructional Tasks page in your journal to review a particular task, explore a process that could be used to amplify the task, and, finally, examine an example of an amplified task.

Watch the video for your grade band.

What Should We Consider When Amplifying Tasks?

Video Transcript

Keeping these considerations in mind, turn to the Amplifying Instructional Tasks example in your journal and explore processes to amplify the original task.

Consider the Revised TEKS in the Original Task

Video Transcript

Guiding Questions

  • What main skills or ideas are involved in this task?

  • What are the related skills or ideas?

Consider the Curriculum Focal Point

Video Transcript

Guiding Questions

What other mathematical ideas could be explored from the information given, or if additional information were given, as you consider

  • the focal point,

  • the grade level connections, and

  • the financial literacy standards?

Consider the Context

Video Transcript

Guiding Questions

  • How does the context relate to the mathematical ideas?

  • What related ideas could be added to this context?

  • What connections could be made to other content areas?

Consider the Student

Video Transcript

Consider the Student

What Tier I differentiation may be needed to reach

  • a struggling student,

  • an English language learner, and/or

  • an advanced student?

Please complete the appropriate interactive review for your grade band below.

Amplifying Instructional Tasks

Video Transcript

Study the Amplifying Instructional Tasks journal page and download the Amplifying Instructional Tasks documents for your grade band to see how the related student expectations and ideas were used.