Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.006(c-1) requires that students who do not meet the passing standard on the Grade 6 State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) reading test must be administered a reading assessment at the beginning of grade 7. The Texas Middle School Fluency Assessment (TMSFA) was developed with Texas students to be a valid and reliable instrument for determining students’ areas of instructional need.

The TMSFA is based on valid and reliable scientific research, thoroughly measures each domain of development, and is user-friendly. The following three domains of development are assessed using the TMSFA.   

  1. Text Comprehension (Reading)  
  2. Word Analysis  
  3. Fluency  

Professional Learning

Before using the Texas Middle School Fluency Assessment (TMSFA) assessment materials, please go through the Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies (TALA) online training


To download the TMSFA passages, click on the links below.  

The TMSFA examiner passages and student passages below include oral reading fluency (ORF) and retelling materials for screening students at the beginning of year (BOY), middle of year (MOY), and end of year (EOY). 

Printable Versions

   Examiner | Passages

BOY Examiner Passages
BOY/MOY Examiner Passages
MOY Examiner Passages
MOY/EOY Examiner Passages
EOY Examiner Passages

   Student | Passages

BOY Student Passages
BOY/MOY Student Passages
MOY Student Passages
MOY/EOY Student Passages
EOY Student Passages

Progress Monitoring

To download the TMSFA progress monitoring printable versions, click on the links below. 

Printable Versions

   Examiner | Progress Monitoring


   Students | Progress Monitoring


Word Lists

To download the TMSFA examiner word list printable versions, click on the links below. Examiners may use these word lists for diagnosing struggling students’ word reading. 

Printable versions

Examiner | Word Lists

   BOY Examiner Word List
   BOY/MOY Examiner Word List
   MOY Examiner Word List
   MOY/EOY Examiner Word List
   EOY Examiner Word List

Students | Word Lists

   BOY Student Word List
   BOY/MOY Student Word List
   MOY Student Word List
   MOY/EOY Student Word List
   EOY Student Word List