RtI and Texas

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a campus-wide instructional approach that is built upon meeting the academic and behavioral learning needs of all students. RtI benefits students by providing

  • early identification of strengths and weaknesses in the fundamental skills of reading, writing, mathematics, and behavior;
  • early intervention to engage all learners;
  • data to support instructional decisions; and
  • documentation to support the type of instruction or intervention that students need.

The following sections contain one hour webinars led by national experts in applying the principles of RtI.

RtI and Administrators

Dr. Yassmin Lee, principal in Fort Worth ISD, discusses a high school RtI process including needs assessment, action plan, committee selection, and the role of assessments. She also shares various examples of high school RtI scenarios and identifies tools to address targeted needs.

RtI and Reading

In this webinar, Dr. Wanzek provides research-based guidance for planning reading instruction for students with reading difficulties in the elementary grades. She will highlight strategies for pinpointing student needs and offer guidelines for effective delivery of instruction. Dr. Wanzek is an associate professor at Florida State University and a researcher at the Florida Center for Reading Research.

RtI and Mathematics

Dr. Erica Lembke is an associate professor at the University of Missouri and an expert on Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) and screening tools in mathematics administered through the use of hand-held technology. Dr. Lembke discusses topics including screening, progress monitoring, and evidence-based interventions in the area of mathematics. Participants will leave with resources and strategies to access as they implement RtI in mathematics.

RtI and Behavior

Dr. Shanna Hagan-Burke is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and the Director of Faculty Development for the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University. She is an expert in functional analyses of problem behavior, classroom applications of PBIS, and early literacy. Dr. Burke will describe a RtI framework for social behavior and its similarities to RtI approaches for academic content areas. Participants will receive an overview of essential elements of RtI for social behavior, along with corresponding implementation guidelines for teachers and school-based personnel. Emphasis will be placed on Tier 1 behavior supports and their importance as a foundation for other tiers of intervention.